Study Guide to Accompany Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Renee R. Ha - University of Washington, USA
- James C. Ha - University of Washington, USA
- Ashley C. Maliken
Introduction to Statistics
This study guide to accompany Renee Ha and James Ha's Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences offers additional review and practice to help students succeed in their statistics class. Each chapter corresponds to the appropriate chapter in Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences and contains the following:
· Notes to the student
· Multiple choice and short-answer questions
· Exercises
Answers to all questions are also included.
Students will also find useful study resources on the open-access Student Study Site at, including flashcards and the datasets referenced in the book.
This study guide is also available in a bundle with Integrative Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences for just $5.00 more than the price of the stand-alone text. Bundle ISBN: 9781452205304.