Succeeding in Essays, Exams and OSCEs for Nursing Students
The word 'assessment' can strike terror into any student. However, providing evidence of knowledge and skills for professional practice is an integral and essential part of university life as a nursing student.
This book helps nursing students better understand the processes of assessment so that every student can achieve their potential in their studies. It looks at each of the major forms of assessment including essays, exams, portfolios, OSCIs, presentations and practice assessments. It specifically addresses the needs of nursing students on new degree courses and therefore gives a clear insight on how to succeed as a student nurse.
Key Features
- Linked to the latest NMC Standards and ESCs for the new degree;
- Examples of good and bad assessments apply the theory to practice;
- Plenty of activities help to build confidence in developing these skills.
good and adopted
I ahve used this to prepare the course students for their examinations and their OSCE's. It is particularly useful for the latter outlining the benefits of this form of assessment and how to prepare for it.
This shopuld help any pre registration student who is having problems with the assessment load of this degree progtramme. It clearly provides exercises and guides the student through what to expect and how to prepare successfully for the assessment.
Excellent. Clear, user-friendly with meaningful activities and useful further reading lists. A great companion for our Nursing students!
Useful guide for undergraduate students
I thoroughly recommend this book for nursing students. It is well set out, covering all the major assessment methods and all students can find helpful tips and advice on being successful.
The assessment of Nursing acvademic modules is very important and this book describes the theory that applies to the practice of undertaking assessment.
This little book is part if a series and all contributing authors have dealt with their areas of subject expertise in a consistent format.
An excellent resource to guide students in their preparation for a variety of assessments. When used in conjunction with course specific guidance this text should enable students to get a grasp of what is required through the assessment process and enable them to direct their preparation in a focussed manner.
Very useful to all nursing studnets who are undertaking OSCE and Exams. This is a tool that has been recomended to the first year students especially
Provides introduction and overview of assessment startegies employed. OSCE and portfolio chapters lack depth and given that these are new areas would have anticipated more detailed information and particularly the need to focus on safe practice within OSCE's
This was a good book but felt that it was not relevant to our course