The Dynamics of Southern Politics
Causes and Consequences
- Seth C. McKee - Oklahoma State University, USA, Texas Tech University, USA
—Keith Lee, Georgia College
Taking a hard look at the changing demographics in the American South, The Dynamics of Southern Politics discusses how this region remains exceptional while also addressing how that exceptionalism is eroding. Author Seth McKee tells a historically rich story going back to the end of the Civil War, tracks electoral changes to the present, and explores some of the most significant components contributing to partisan change. Supported by a host of detailed tables and figures, this book pairs a strong historical foundation with an in-depth analysis of the contemporary region.
“A thorough and empirically-based (not exhausting!) discussion of the role of race in southern politics from the Civil War to the present.”
“I cannot praise the author enough for rising to the challenge of providing students with an accessible trip through time to show the emergence of the one-party South and how the South evolved over time.”
“A historically rich treatment of southern politics that successfully introduces students to the way social science is practiced today.”
“Thoughtful, meticulously researched, accessible to an undergraduate population.”
“The subfield of southern politics is sometimes criticized for focusing far too much on anecdotal evidence without having much of an empirical flavor. McKee remedies this.”