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Why Don't Women Rule the World?

Why Don't Women Rule the World?
Understanding Women's Civic and Political Choices

First Edition

July 2019 | 536 pages | CQ Press

“[Why Don’t Women Rule the World?] is unlike other texts in its comparative approach and strong theoretical underpinnings. It has interesting pedagogical features that will resonate with comparative scholars, Americanists and those who integrate public policy analysis into the course.”
—Rebecca E. Deen, University of Texas at Arlington  

Why don’t women have more influence over the way the world is structured?  

Written by four leaders within the national and international academic caucuses on women and politics, Why Don't Women Rule the World? helps students to understand how the underrepresentation of women manifests within politics, and the impact this has on policy. Grounded in theory with practical, job-related activities, the book offers a thorough introduction to the study of women and politics, and will bolster students’ political interests, ambitions, and efficacy.  

Key Features: 

  • A comparative perspective expands students’ awareness of their own intersectional identities and the varying effects of patriarchy on women worldwide.  
  • A variety of policy areas highlighted throughout the book illustrates how different theories are applied to real-world situations.            
  • Multiple political engagement activities keep students engaged with the content.

About the Authors
CHAPTER 1 • Why Don’t Women Rule the World?
The Creation of Patriarchy

Reification and the Social Construction of Reality


Plan of the Book

Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 2 • History of Women in Politics
Colonial History

The First Wave

The Second Wave

The Third Wave


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 3 • Public Opinion
How Individuals Form Opinions About Gender Issues

How Sex Influences Public Opinion

Partisan Preferences and Voting Behavior


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 4 • Political Ambition
Promoting Women’s Access and Ambition

Gender Socialization and Political Ambition

Traditional Family Role Orientations

The Masculinized Ethos of Politics

Women’s Gendered Psyche


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 5 • When Women Run
When and Where Women Candidates Emerge

Campaign Finance

Women as Candidates in 2018

Dismantling the Masculine Ethos of Politics in 2018 and Beyond


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 6 • Women in Legislatures
Women’s Representation in Legislatures Around the World

Theories of Representation

The Effect of Women’s Representation in Legislative Bodies

The Behavior of Individual Women Legislators

Women as Institutional Leaders

Effects Outside the Institution

How to Increase the Number of Women in Legislative Office


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 7 • Women in the Executive
Patriarchy, Military Masculinity, and Executive Stereotypes

Gender Stereotypes in Leadership and the Presidency: Public Support and Media

Descriptive Representation in Parts of the Executive

Women in Cabinets: The United States and in Comparative Perspective

Women’s Policy Agencies

Women in State and Local Institutions

Substantive and Symbolic Representation in Executive Institutions


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 8 • Women in the Judiciary
Women as Lawyers and in Law School

Women as Public Legal Officials

The Impact of Women in the Judicial Branch

The Effect of the Courts on Women’s Lives

Increasing the Representation of Women in the Judicial Branch


Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 9 • Women in Social Movements
Interest Groups, Social Movements, and Social Movement Organizations

Challenges for Women’s and Feminist Movements

Conclusion: Intersectional Resistance in the Post-Trump Era

Review Questions

Ambition Activities

Key Words


CHAPTER 10 • Conclusion
The First Step: Admit That Patriarchy Exists

The Second Step: Listen to Women’s Complaints and Take Their Anger Seriously

The Third Step: Understand the Roots of Women’s Anger

The Fourth Step: Monitor Progress and Backlash to Establish Priorities

The Fifth Step: Decide What to Do and Act

Review Questions

Ambition Activity

Key Words


Appendix 1: Conducting Interviews

Appendix 2: Comparison


“[Why Don’t Women Rule the World?] is unlike other texts in its comparative approach and strong theoretical underpinnings. It has interesting pedagogical features that will resonate with comparative scholars, Americanists and those who integrate public policy analysis into the course.”

Rebecca E. Deen
University of Texas at Arlington

The text focuses on American women but includes numerous international comparative examples and profiles...The authors do valuable work in systematically unpacking arguments for why women are underrepresented in public life and assessing what social science research reveals about relevant issues, such as voter response to female candidates, the power of incumbency, and the media bias.

C.E. Rymph
University of Missouri

Excellent substance and a solid approach to the topic.

Dr Laura Bell
History/Political Science/Criminal Justice, West Texas A&m University
November 30, 2021
Key features


  • A comparative perspective expands students’ awareness of their own intersectional identities and the varying effects of patriarchy on women worldwide.  
  • A variety of policy areas highlighted throughout the book illustrates how different theories are applied to real-world situations.   
  • Multiple political engagement activities keep students engaged with the content.

Sage College Publishing

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