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Los Angeles, CA - SAGE announces today that it will begin publishing OTJR: Occupation, Participation, and Health, a leading occupational therapy journal of the American Occupational Therapy Foundation beginning in January, 2015.
The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) requires that articles receiving NIH funding are deposited in PubMedCentral (PMC) and made available for public access no later than twelve months after publication. Sage supports authors depositing their Original Submission or Accepted Manuscript at any time and in any format in PMC.
The following journals have arranged automatic deposit into PubMedCentral of the Author Accepted Manuscript of articles indicating NIH funding:
Washington, DC - More than 12,000 people have served in America’s Congress since the First Continental Congress in 1774, and, since then, almost 46,000 public acts have been signed into law. Many of those laws have played a key role in shaping America’s political and historical character. Now, CQ Press has published Landmark Legislation, 1774–2012: Major U.S. Acts and Treaties, jammed-packed with information about the most important laws and treaties enacted by the U.S. Congress—including an additional decade of new legislation since the first edition was published.
SAGE Publishing today announces the launch of the open access journal Childhood Obesity and Nutrition (OBN), replacing ICAN: Infant, Child & Adolescent Nutrition. Broadening the scope of ICAN, OBN will reflect the changing field of pediatric obesity and nutrition as well as new knowledge from cross-disciplinary research.
A reduction in the post-code lottery for hip replacement surgery has been achieved in Scotland without recourse to the private sector, according to new research published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Los Angeles, CA (June 10, 2015) SAGE today announces that it is to publish HAND, a multidisciplinary journal that specializes in the research and medical management and surgical management of the hand, wrist, and upper extremity. The official journal of the American Association for Hand Surgery, SAGE will begin publishing HAND in 2016.
SAGE Publishing is pleased to announce that it has begun publishing the Canadian Journal of Nursing Research (CJNR). Advancing scholarship in nursing and health care for 47 years, CJNR is an established resource for nurses, nurse researchers, students, and educators and policymakers across the globe.
Washington, DC - From abortion and euthanasia to climate change, stem cell research, hydraulic fracturing, and medical marijuana, science has become increasingly politicized. This trend is deepened by the role government funding plays in scientific research and development. Exploring this uneasy alliance between two realms that, until recent times, had little to do with each other is the new Science and Politics: An A-to-Z Guide to Issues and Controversies, published by CQ Press.
The Sage Discipline Hubs offer a simple, user-friendly experience that displays the breadth of our publishing in one place - encouraging researchers, librarians, and authors to find and explore content. Driven by SEO and post-launch marketing, these Hubs will increase discoverability within our website, effectively encouraging and increasing usage across related journals.
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Over the past 20 years, has the U.S. made significant progress to improve preventable medical errors? A new special collection of articles in the American Journal of Medical Quality (AJMQ), published by SAGE Publishing, begins to answer this question by analyzing the impact these articles have had on the medical field.