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Family Business

Family Business

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2014 | 1 752 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd


This new major work answers the growing global need for a resource that captures and presents a comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of family business. The last three decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in research on family businesses, as institutions have increasingly recognized that family businesses represent the most common form of business organization and a large part of the GDP in most countries. Scholars in the field have started to address critical questions such as:

 ·         Why do family firms deserve special research attention?

·         Are family firms really different from other business organizations? If so, how? And, so what?

·         Is there a shared definition of family firms? And, of family in business?

·         Are behavioral and governance issues that need attention in family enterprises any different from other firms?

This four-volume work addresses these key concerns  and provides a rich picture of what we know about family businesses and enterprising families, as well as including critical reflections on major areas and contributions.

Volume One: Scope, Boundaries and Impact of Family Business
Volume Two: The Business Family
Volume Three: The Family Business
Volume Four: Governance and Behavioural Issues in Family Business


Pramodita Sharma and Leif Melin
Part One: Field of Family Business Studies
Methodological Issues and Considerations in Studying Family Businesses

Wendy Handler
The Family Business: Toward Definitional Clarity

Reginald Litz
Family Firm Research: The Need for a Methodological Rethink

Paul Westhead and Marc Cowling
Defining the Family Business by Behavior

Jess Chua, James Chrisman and Pramodita Sharma
The F-PEC Scale of Family Influence: Construction, Validation, and Further Implication for Theory

Sabine Klein, Joseph Astrachan and Kosmas Smyrnios
Family-owned Businesses: An Emerging Field of Inquiry

Barbara Hollander and Nancy Elman
Theoretical Foundations for Family-owned Businesses: A Conceptual and Research Based Paradigm

Max Wortman Jr.
Trends and Directions in the Development of a Strategic Management Theory of the Family Firm

James Chrisman, Jess Chua and Pramodita Sharma
The Practice Driven Evolution of Family Business Education

Pramodita Sharma, Frank Hoy, Joseph Astrachan and Matti Koiranen
Intellectual Foundations of Current Research in Family Business: An Identification and Review of 25 Most Influential Articles

James Chrisman et al.
The Adolescence of Family Firm Research: Taking Stock and Planning for the Future

Eric Gedajlovic et al.
Worlds Apart? Re-bridging the Distance between Family Science and Family Business Research

Albert James, Jennifer Jennings and Rhonda Breitkruz
The Landscape of Family Business Outcomes: A Summary and Numerical Taxonomy of Dependent Variables

Andy Yu et al.
Part Two: Societal and Economic Impact of Family Businesses
Myths and Realities: Family Businesses’ Contribution to the US Economy – A Framework for Assessing Family Business Statistics

Melissa Carey Shanker and Joseph Astrachan
The Prevalence of Family Business from a Household Sample

Ramona Heck and Elizabeth Trent
Corporate Ownership around the World

Rafael LaPorta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes and Andrei Shleifer
Part Three: The Family in Business
The Pervasive Effects of Family on Entrepreneurship: Towards a Family Embeddedness Perspective

Howard Aldrich and Jennifer Cliff
Are Family Firms Born or Made? An Exploratory Investigation

Jess Chua, James Chrisman and Erick Chang
A Unified Systems Perspective of Family Firm Performance

Timothy Habbershon, Mary Williams and Ian MacMillan
Managing Resources: Linking Unique Resources, Management, and Wealth Creation in Family Firms

David Sirmon and Michael Hitt
The Role of Family in Family Firms

Marianne Bertrand and Antoinette Schoar
The Development of Organizational Social Capital: Attributes of Family Firms

Jean-Luc Arregle et al.
Toward a Theory of Familiness: A Social Capital Perspective

Allison Pearson, Jon Carr and John Shaw
Family Capital of Family Firms: Bridging Human, Social, and Financial Capital

Sharon Danes et al.
Exploring the Concept of Familiness: Introducing Family Firm Identity

Thomas Zellweger, Kimberly Eddleston and Franz Kellermanns
Adoptive Expectations: Rising Sons in Japanese Family Firms

Vikas Mehrotra et al.
The Impact of Family Dynamics on Structure and Process in Family Foundations

Kelin Gersick, Ivan Lansberg and John Davis
A Governance-based Typology of Family Foundations: The Effect of Generation Stage and Governance Structure on Family Philanthropic Activities

Razvan Lungeanu and John Ward
Is Nepotism Good or Bad? Types of Nepotism and Implications for Knowledge Management

Peter Jaskiewicz et al.
Part Four: Family Members in Business
Spousal Support and Work – Family Balance in Launching a Family Business

Clinton Gudmunson et al.
New Venture and Family Business Teams: Understanding Team Formation, Composition, Behaviors, and Performance

Leon Schjoedt et al.
Socialization Patterns of Successors in First- to Second-Generation Family Businesses

Ercilia Garcia-Alvarez, Jordi López-Sintas and Pilar Saldaña Gonzalvo
Leadership Transfer and the Successor’s Development in the Family Firm

Katiuska Cabrera-Suárez
Research on Women in Family Firms: Current Status and Future Directions

Rocio Martinez Jimenez
Part Five: Values and Culture
Adaptation, Survival, and Growth of the Family Business: An Integrated Systems Perspective

Peter Davis and Douglas Stern
Bivalent Attributes of the Family Firm

Renato Taguiri and John Davis
Studying the Family Enterprise Holistically: Evidence for Integrated Family and Business Systems

Rodrigo Basco and Maria Pérez-Rodríguez
Sins of the Father’s Firm: Exploring Responses to Inherited Ethical Dilemmas in Family Business

Reginald Litz and Nick Turner
Culture and Continuity in Family Firms

W. Gibb Dyer Jr.
Part Six: Goals, Strategies, Performance
On the Goals of Successful Family Companies

Renato Tagiuri and John Davis
Goal Setting in Family Firms: Goal Diversity, Social Interactions, and Collective Commitment to Family-centered Goals

Josip Kotlar and Alfredo De Massis
The Special Role of Strategic Planning for Family Businesses

John Ward
A Farewell to the Business: Championing Exit and Continuity in Entrepreneurial Family Firms

Carlo Salvato, Francesco Chirico and Pramodita Sharma
Portfolio Entrepreneurship in Family Firms

Philipp Sieger et al.
From Longevity of Firms to Transgenerational Entrepreneurship of Families: Introducing Family Entrepreneurial Orientation

Thomas Markus Zellweger, Robert Nason and Mattias Nordqvist
Corporate Entrepreneurship in Family Business: Past Contribution and Future Opportunities

Alexander McKelvie et al.
Internationalization of Family Firms

Zulima Fernández and María Nieto Jesús
Founding-Family Ownership and Firm Performance: Evidence from the S&P 500

Ronald Anderson and David Reeb
Are Family Firms Really Superior Performers?

Danny Miller et al.
The Bind that Ties: Socioemotional Wealth Preservation in Family Firms

Luis Gomez Mejia et al.
Financial Performance of Family Firms

Raphael Amit and Belén Villalonga
Part Seven: Professionalization over Generations
Agency Relationships in Family Firms: Theory and Evidence

William Schulze et al.
Corporate Governance and Competitive Advantage in Family-controlled Firms

Michael Carney
The Reflexive Dynamics of Institutionalization: The Case of Family Business

Leif Melin and Mattias Nordqvist
Governing the Family Enterprise: Practices, Performance, and Research

Kelin Gersick and Neus Feliu
Managing Continuity in the Family-owned Business

Richard Beckhard and W. Gibb Dyer Jr.
The Succession Conspiracy

Ivan Lansberg
Succession in the Family Business: A Review of the Research

Wendy Handler
Passing the Baton: The Importance of Sequence, Timing, Technique and Communication in Executive Succession

Bruno Dyck et al.
Toward an integrative model of effective FOB succession

Isabelle Le Breton-Miller, Danny Miller and Lloyd Steier
Professional Management in Extended Family Business: Toward an Extended Understanding

Annika Hall and Mattias Nordqvist
Why Can’t a Family Business Be More Like a Non-Family Business: Modes of Professionalization in Family Firms

Alex Stewart and Michael Hitt
Part Eight: Behavioral Issues in Family Business
The Determinants of Executive Compensation in Family-controlled Public Corporations

Luis Gomez-Mejia, Martin Larraza-Kintana and Marianna Makri
Faster Route to the CEO Suite: Nepotism or Managerial Proficiency?

Carlo Salvato, Alessandro Minichill and Raffaella Piccarreta
Four Bases of Family Business Successor Commitment: Antecedents and Consequences

Pramodita Sharma and P. Gregory Irving
Trust and Family Business

Lloyd Steier and Miriam Muethel
Conflicts in Family Firms: The Good and the Bad

D’Lisa McKee et al.

Select a Purchasing Option

ISBN: 9781446207819