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Organization & Environment

Organization & Environment

eISSN: 15527417 | ISSN: 10860266 | Current volume: 37 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

Domain Statement

Organization & Environment publishes rigorous and impactful research at the intersection of management, organizations, and environmental sustainability. In service of this mission, it searches for contributions to academic debates that have managerial and policy implications, and that are grounded in sound social science. Manuscripts coming from the business disciplines and related social science fields such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology, history, and law are welcome. Published articles typically engage with, and contribute back to, the relevant literature in central management journals.

O&E encourages submissions that explore novel concepts, advance theory, experiment with new methodologies and designs, and empirically validate theoretical insights. The journal has a keen interest in the study of new phenomena that are not completely explainable with the current knowledge, and the consequent launch of novel theoretical and empirical lines of inquiry. From time to time, O&E uses special issues to spotlight a compelling topic area, bringing together a resonant group of high-quality articles that promote focused knowledge.

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Domain Statement

Organization & Environment publishes rigorous and impactful research at the intersection of management, organizations, and environmental sustainability. In service of this mission, it searches for contributions to academic debates that have managerial and policy implications, and that are grounded in sound social science. Manuscripts coming from the business disciplines and related social science fields such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology, history, and law are welcome. Published articles typically engage with, and contribute back to, the relevant literature in central management journals.


In addition to the standard theory development and theory testing endeavors, O&E welcomes studies focused on new phenomena, not completely explainable with extant knowledge, and the consequent launch of novel theoretical and empirical lines of inquiry. Critical to the assessment of these “data first” type of contributions is their capacity to expose the failure of existing theories to explain the empirical evidence and the potential capacity of the proposed inquiry to do so.


O&E is open to all research methodologies, as long as they are applied in line with the highest quality standards. It also welcomes the registration, and in specific cases the publication, of experimental designs, especially complex field experiments. The journal commits to publish the results of well executed, registered, studies, regardless of the scientific outcome (i.e. irrespectively of the support of hypothesized effects).

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Michael Russo University of Oregon, USA
Deputy Editors
Luca Berchicci Erasmus University, the Netherlands
Flore Bridoux Erasmus University, the Netherlands
Magali Delmas University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Tobias Hahn ESADE, Spain
Minna Halme Aalto University, Finland
Aoife Brophy University of Oxford, UK
Irene Henriques York University, Canada
Bryan Husted Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Brooke Lahneman Montana State University, USA
Thomas Lyon University of Michigan, USA
Jonatan Pinkse King’s College London, UK
Stefan Schaltegger Leuphana University, Germany
N. Craig Smith INSEAD, France
Sara Soderstrom University of Michigan, USA
Marcus Wagner University of Augsburg, Germany
Carmen Weigelt Tulane University, USA
Shipeng Yan The University of Hong Kong, China
Editorial Review Board
Ramon Aldag University of Wisconsin, USA
Toshi Arimura Waseda University, Japan
Grace Augustine University of Bath, UK
Pratima Bansal University of Western Ontario, Canada
Emanuele Bettinazzi Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
Christiane Bode Imperial College, UK
Steffen Boehm University of Exeter, UK
Frances Bowen Queen Mary University of London, UK
Maoliang Bu Nanjing University, China
Timo Busch University of Hamburg, Germany
Kealy Carter University of South Carolina, USA
Chen Chien-Ming Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Francesca Ciulli University of Tilburg, the Netherlands
Breeda Comyns KEDGE Business School, France
James Cordiero SUNY - Brockport, USA
Frederik Dahlmann University of Warwick, UK
Frank de Bakker Vrije Universiteit, Netherlands
Valentina De Marchi ESADE, Spain
Javier Delgado-Ceballos University of Granada, Spain
Mark DesJardine Dartmouth College, USA
Claudia Doblinger Technical University of Munich, Germany
Carolyn Egri Simon Fraser University, Canada
Limin Fu Monash University, Australia
Panikos Georgallis University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Jake Grandy University of Arkansas, USA
Rüdiger Hahn Heinrich-Heine-University, Germany
Erik Hansen Johannes Kepler University, Austria
Joern Hoppmann University of Oldenburg, Germany
Anne Jacqueminet Bocconi University, Italy
Patricia Kanashiro University of Southern California, USA
George Kassinis University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Kate Kearins Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
Eun-Hee Kim Fordham University, USA
Nancy Landrum Munich Business School, Germany
David Levy University of Massachusetts, USA
Martina Linnenluecke University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Celine Louche University of Waikato, New Zealand
Florian Lüdeke-Freund ESCP Business School, Germany
Rajiv Maher EGADE Business School, Mexico
Joel Malen Waseda University, Japan
Alfred Marcus University of Minnesota, USA
Javier Martinez del Rio Universidad de Almería, Spain
Daniel Matisoff Georgia Tech University, USA
Johannes Meuer Kühne Logistics University, Germany
Maria Montes-Sancho Universidad Carlos III, Spain
Lucrezia Nava Baruch College, City University of New York, USA
Kerstin Neumann University of Innsbruck, Austria
Daniel Nyberg University of Queensland, Australia
Pascal Paille NEOMA Business School, France
Rajat Panwar Oregon State University, USA
Sangchan Park Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Antoaneta Petkova San Francisco State University, USA
Mellie Pullman University of Sussex, UK
Gordon Rands Western Illinois University, USA
Jorge Rivera George Washington University, USA
Joe Sarkis Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Simon Schillebeeckx Singapore Management University, Singapore
Garima Sharma American University, USA
Sanjay Sharma University of Vermont, USA
Natalie Slawinski University of Victoria, Canada
Birthe Soppe University of Innsbrook, Austria
Pete Tashman University of Massachusetts - Lowell, USA
Antonio Tencati University of Brescia, Italy
Francesco Testa Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy
Suzanne Tilleman University of Montana, USA
Sid Vedula Technical University of Munich, Germany
Sandra Waddock Boston College, USA
Judith Walls University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Gail Whiteman University of Exeter, UK
Amanda Williams IMD, Lausanne, Switzerland
Tyler Wry University of Pennsylvania, USA
Haitao Yu University of Macau, Macau
Maurizio Zollo Imperial College, UK
Editorial Assistant
Hyeonjin Cha Bucknell University, USA
Consulting Editors
J. Alberto Aragon Correa University of Surrey, UK
Mark Starik Walden University, USA
Founding Editors
John M. Jermier University of South Florida, USA
Paul Shrivastava Pennsylvania State University, USA
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