Qualitative Research in Health
An Introduction
- Carol Grbich - The Flinders University of South Australia
Carol Grbich shows that qualitative methods need to be followed just as rigorously as quantitative methods, providing examples drawn from various health fields.
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A practical introduction to the main theories and methods of qualitative research for the health sciences is offered in this book. It covers the full range of conventional and new qualitative methods including ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, biography, action research, historical research, discourse analysis and postmodern, poststructuralist and femininst approaches to research.
As a pharmacy practitioner in the health arena of both practice and education, I would recommend the book as a learning and reference tool to colleagues who are new to qualitative health research. Grbich's comprehensive, open-minded overview of qualitative health research leaves the student with guidelines for success while plainly informing the researcher about the debates and issues that surround this research approach. - The Qualitative Report, September 2010
Well written and an easy to read book
This is a good practical introduction to the main theories and methods of qualitative research for Health Care Practitioners.
The logical progress through the research process is both helpful and easy to read, from theories and design through to interpretation of data and presentation of findings.
The text is clearly written and logical.
Good explanations on principles of qualitative research. Good examples given and very appropriate for all nursing students undertaking research projects.
This is a very sound introductory text book for student midwives. Much of the most relevant research is carried out within a qualitative methodology and this text sets out a critique of different methods that allow students to carry out and critique research they will be encountering.
I have used this book over a number of years and recommend it to each cohort.