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The SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry

The SAGE Dictionary of Qualitative Inquiry

Fourth Edition

January 2015 | 368 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

This Fourth Edition of Thomas A. Schwandt’s one-of-a-kind guide to the terms and phrases that help shape the origins, purpose, logic, meaning, and methods of the practices known as qualitative inquiry features 20 additional terms as well as a restructured Reader’s Guide. Key references have been updated and select terms and phrases from previous editions have been reorganized and greatly expanded. Together, the dictionary entries provide a guide to the methodological and epistemological concepts and theoretical orientations of qualitative inquiry. This unique resource is ideal for readers who are navigating various perspectives on qualitative inquiry, working on a qualitative dissertation, or are launching their own investigations into the issues covered.

Reader's Guide
About the Author
List of Terms

This text is most helpful for all of my ECE 798/799 Dissertation (PhD in ECE) candidates in writing and explaining their work in accurate term. It is the only text of its kind.

Dr Lois McFadyen Christensen
Curriculum Instruction Dept, Univ Of Alabama At Birmingham
August 24, 2015

Qualitative Methods are new for our Level 5 students. The new terminology often leaves them lost. This book is an ideal reference to supplement their research and learning.

Dr Ciaran O'Keeffe
Deptartment of Psychology, Bucks New University
May 13, 2016
Key features


  • Twenty new entries reflect recent developments in the field.
  • Updated key references and reorganized and expanded entries enhance this edition.
  • A restructured Reader’s Guide includes new headings to make key information more accessible.


  • The dictionary provides definitions for all key terms and phrases used in qualitative inquiry.
  • Key references help deepen readers’ knowledge of qualitative terminology.
  • In-depth coverage of qualitative methods terms helps users better acquaint themselves with the research options at their fingertips.


Sample Materials & Chapters


Detailed Table of Contents

Sage College Publishing

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