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Effective Trainings Every Time

Second Edition
Edited by:

July 2007 | 160 pages | Corwin

"Dr. Rich Allen has done it again—created another clear, practical and powerful resource for all educators. These principles and strategies ought to be mandatory for everyone who presents for a living."
—Eric Jensen, President and Founder
Jensen Learning Corporation

"Train Smart is the best, clearest, most to-the-point, and valuable resource available for trainers. With this second edition, Rich Allen has gone from "great" to "even greater." It is a required guide for our trainers, and it is the new text in our Trainer of Trainers program."
—Spence Rogers, President
Peak Learning Systems

Train smarter, not harder!

What are the key components that will make your trainings relevant, engaging, and understandable? How can you deliver instruction that results in high retention and improved productivity for participants?

In TrainSmart, Second Edition, well-known author, consultant, and trainer Rich Allen offers a comprehensive guide to planning and implementing successful staff development sessions. The author provides facilitators with a solid framework and a unique approach that emphasizes application, and demonstrates each element of the process through case studies, examples, and practical tips.

Thoroughly updated, this edition includes new brain-friendly strategies that can be easily implemented to help you create dynamic learning experiences. Ideal for staff developers, organizational trainers, and administrators, this resource includes:

  • 25 key concepts for training smarter
  • Sample schedules and planning templates
  • A collection of parables to illustrate concepts
  • Tips for using technology

Discover a new world of possibilities that can enhance your enthusiasm for learning and teaching, lead to more effective presentations, and make training more enjoyable for you and your adult learners!

About the Author
Part I. Prepare for Effective Trainings Every Time

The Five Pillars of the TrainSmart Model

The Bricks and Mortar of the TrainSmart Model

Sample TrainSmart Schedule

TrainSmart Lesson Plan Template

Part II. 25 Key Concepts for Training Smarter
Key Concept Matrix
1. Acknowledgment
2. Bridges and Zones
3. Comfort Levels
4. Task Completion
5. Contrast
6. Precise Directions
7. Resource Distribution
8. Teach It Standing
9. Participant Inquiry
10. Adequate Response Time
11. Specify Response Mode
12. Question/Clarify/Question
13. Managing Disruptions
14. Creative Note Taking
15. Positive Language
16. Involve, Don’t Tell
17. Ownership
18. Pause for Visuals
19. Press and Release
20. Purposeful Body Language
21. Visual-Field Variations
22. Vocal Italics
23. Music Matters
24. Guiding Attention
25. Verbal Specificity
Part III. Tools for Training
Six Powerful Parables

A TrainSmart Checklist

TrainSmart Lesson Plan Template


"Rich Allen has done it again—another clear, practical, and powerful resource for all educators. These principles and strategies ought to be mandatory for everyone who presents for a living."

Eric Jensen, President and Founder
Jensen Learning Corporation

"Rich Allen has the rare ability to identify and define with clarity the elements of excellence in training. In TrainSmart, he reveals the pathway from good presentation to great presentation. Every professional trainer should use this resource to support their continuous improvement plan."

John Parks Le Tellier, Lead Trainer, Quantum Learning Network
Author of Quantum Learning & Instructional Leadership in Practice

"TrainSmart is the best, clearest, most to-the-point, practical, and most valuable resource available for trainers. With this second edition, Rich Allen has gone from 'great' to 'even greater.' It is a required guide for our trainers and the new text in our Trainer of Trainers program."

Spence Rogers, President
Peak Learning Systems

"Rich Allen is THE consumate trainer with a natural gift for delivering effective, dynamic presentations. This is a must-read for beginning professional developers, and it also offers veterans new ideas. If the intent is to raise student achievement via high-quality presentations, then this book meets its goal."

Mark Diaz, Superintendent
Manor Independent School District, TX

"A powerful text in a small package, designed to teach trainers and workshop facilitators within or outside of education how to design effective training sessions."

Middle Ground Magazine, April 2008, Vol. 11(4)
National Middle Schools Association
Key features
  • Includes sample training schedules and planning templates
  • Features 25 key concepts for training smarter
  • Presents a collection of parables to be used during trainings
  • Packed with practical tips and suggestions
  • Offers guidelines for using technology

Sample Materials & Chapters


Part 1

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ISBN: 9781452284774

ISBN: 9781412955782

ISBN: 9781412955775