Exploratory and Descriptive Statistics
- Julie Scott Jones - Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
- John Goldring - Manchester Metropolitan University
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May 2022 | 256 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Nervous about statistics? This guide offers a clear, straight to the point break down of exploratory and descriptive statistics and its potential. Anchored by lots of examples and exercises to enhance your learning, it offers gudience on how to:
- Identify and access different types of variables and data
- Select the best method for measuring your chosen variables and data
- Use data viusalization techniques to tell stories with your data
- Appropriately clean and manage your data
Part of The SAGE Quantitative Research Kit, this book will give you the know-how and confidence needed to succeed on your quantitative research journey.
Introducing Descriptive and Exploratory Statistics
Finding Data to Describe
Measure everything – Learn something – Answer nothing: An exploration into variables and types of Measurement
I am not a number, I am a categorical variable
I like being average, I am an interval variable
Visualising Our Data
The story waiting to be told
This is a very good reading resource for modules with research and literature review aspects.
Interdiscipline, Winchester University
August 3, 2022