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Ongoing Crisis Communication

Ongoing Crisis Communication
Planning, Managing, and Responding

Sixth Edition

January 2022 | 304 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding provides an integrated approach to crisis communication that spans the entire crisis management process and crosses various disciplines. A truly integrative and comprehensive text, this book explains how crisis management can prevent or reduce the threats of a crisis, providing guidelines for how best to act and react in an emergency situation. The Sixth Edition includes new coverage of artificial intelligence and risk management, social media, resilience training for the community, and draws upon recent work from management, public relations, organizational psychology, marketing, organizational communication, and computer-mediated communication research.

Chapter 1: A Need for More Crisis Management Knowledge
Chapter 2: Risk as the Foundation for Crisis Management and Crisis Communication
Chapter 3: The Crisis Mitigation Process: Building Crisis Resistant and Resilient Organizations
Chapter 4: Crisis Preparing: Part I
Chapter 5: Crisis Preparing: Part II
Chapter 6: Recognizing Crises
Chapter 7: Crisis Responding
Chapter 8: Postcrisis Concerns and Epilogue
Appendix: Possible Case Studies
About the Author

Really like this book. Wish it had instructor resources too.

Professor Jillian Klean Zwilling
Communication Studies Dept, Governors State University - University Park
February 12, 2025

Content has applications to what we will be studying this semester. And more up to date crisis communications information.

Ms Jessica Otitigbe
Communications, College Of Saint Rose
January 17, 2023

I have not requested this book or had sight of it.

Dr John Donaghy
Allied Health & Medicine (Cambridge), Anglia Ruskin University
February 4, 2023

I didn't find better or more updated about Crisis Communication. I found especially useful the part focused on how is the Crisis Communications after pandemic.

Dr Ignacio Saavedra
Mass Communications, San Pablo University - CEU
January 21, 2023

Contents were still similar with previous edition.

Dr Myounggi Chon
Communications/Journalism Dept, Auburn University
March 14, 2023
Key features
  • New coverage of artificial intelligence and risk management, social media, and resilience training for the community.
  • New discussions of the social aspect of crisis management, how working with people and the relationships people form affects crisis management.
  • Chapter 2 “Risk as the Foundation for Crisis Management and Crisis Communication” now includes new section on risk in the organization context and new section on stakeholders and risk.
  • Chapter 3 “The Crisis Mitigation Process: Building Crisis Resistant Organizations”, written through the lens of Boyd’s OODA Loop, demonstrates how risk mitigation relates to crisis management and crisis communication. This chapter now features new discussions of about unknown unknowns, artificial intelligence and risk management, and brand heritage crises, as well as expanded discussions of paracrisis as risk management.
  • Chapter 4 “Crisis Preparing: Part I” includes new discussions of psychological safety, curiosity, scenario-based training, and resilience training for the community.
  • Chapter 6 "Recognizing Crises" includes finding crises with monitoring services, new section on the moral mum effect, new section of using AI to find crises, and expanded discussions of heuristic biases.
  • Learning objectives appear at the beginning of every chapter.
  • Updated examples in every chapter present recent crises and the effect of crisis communication on the outcomes.


  • Crisis management is integrated with three other proactive management functions—issues management, risk management, and reputation management—demonstrating that the best way to manage a crisis is to prevent one.
  • The term crisis is refined by discussing the differences between traditional and social media crises.
  • What Would You Do? mini-cases allow readers to apply book concepts to real crisis events. Many of the cases use running examples and appear in two or three chapters to illustrate how crises evolve.
  • Discussion questions at the end of chapters help readers extend their understanding of the material.
  • Crisis Leadership Competencies boxes for each chapter identify ways that leaders can facilitate and enhance crisis communication efforts.
  • An Epilogue summarizes key lessons for managers from the vast crisis communication research literature and identifies important trends that will shape the near future of crisis communication.

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