Ongoing Crisis Communication
Planning, Managing, and Responding
- W. Timothy Coombs - University of Central Florida, USA
Ongoing Crisis Communication: Planning, Managing, and Responding provides an integrated approach to crisis communication that spans the entire crisis management process and crosses various disciplines. A truly integrative and comprehensive text, this book explains how crisis management can prevent or reduce the threats of a crisis, providing guidelines for how best to act and react in an emergency situation. The Sixth Edition includes new coverage of artificial intelligence and risk management, social media, resilience training for the community, and draws upon recent work from management, public relations, organizational psychology, marketing, organizational communication, and computer-mediated communication research.
Really like this book. Wish it had instructor resources too.
Content has applications to what we will be studying this semester. And more up to date crisis communications information.
I have not requested this book or had sight of it.
I didn't find better or more updated about Crisis Communication. I found especially useful the part focused on how is the Crisis Communications after pandemic.
Contents were still similar with previous edition.