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Press room

An evolving landscape at home and abroad: The SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education 2e

December 10, 2015

London, UK. An ever-changing field of study, SAGE today announces the release of the updated and extended second edition of The SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education. Including key global contemporary developments, this reference handbook encompasses new research contributions from South East Asia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Australasia, Europe and North America.

Fully revised, the new edition analyses the origins, interpretations and contributions of international education, and explores key international changes including; internationalism in the context of teaching and learning; leadership, standards and quality in institutions and systems of education, and the promotion of internationalism in national systems.

“The landscape of international education has changed significantly in the last ten years and our understanding of concepts such as ‘international’, 'global' and ‘multicultural’ are being re-evaluated. This extended and fully revised edition is an essential resource for anyone involved in the academic study of international education, offering a contemporary analysis of a constantly changing field of study”, commented the editors Hayden, Levy and Thompson.

More about the title can be found here.

 A FREE 30-day online trial of SAGE Knowledge, including The SAGE Handbook of Research in International Education 2e, is available by emailing


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