Sequence Analysis
- Marcel Raab - State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg, Germany
- Emanuela Struffolino - University of Milan, Italy
Intermediate/Advanced Statistics | Quantitative Data Analysis | Quantitative Research Methods in Education | Regression & Correlation | Research Methods in Sociology | Statistics - General Interest | Statistics in Criminal Justice | Statistics in Political Science | Statistics in Political Science | Statistics in Sociology
Sequence analysis (SA) was developed to study social processes that unfold over time as sequences of events. It has gained increasing attention as the availability of longitudinal data made it possible to address sequence-oriented questions. This volume introduces the basics of SA to guide practitioners and support instructors through the basic workflow of sequence analysis. In addition to the basics, this book outlines recent advances and innovations in SA.
The presentation of statistical, substantive, and theoretical foundations is enriched by examples to help the reader understand the repercussions of specific analytical choices. The extensive ancillary material supports self-learning based on real-world survey data and research questions from the field of life course research.
This book provides a comprehensive and updated introduction to sequence analysis, I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to learn the topic systematically