Part I. Creating the Context for Science Education
1. The Nature of Science
Theory Into Practice 1.1: Nature of Science Cards
Theory Into Practice 1.2: Hidden Shapes
Qualities of Scientific Inquiry
Combining the Qualities of Scientific Inquiry to Address Scientific Questions
Theory Into Practice 1.3: The Hypothesis Box
Paradigms and Paradigm Shifts in the Nature of Science
Learning Science On-Line: Researching Scientist Biographies
Internet Connections: Nature of Science Resources
2. Science Education in Social Context
The Historical Role of Science Education in Our Society
Theory Into Practice 2.1: What Would Life Be Like Without Certain Inventions?
Science Education Within Broader Educational Reforms
Theory Into Practice 2.2: Education Reform and You
The Contemporary Role of Science Education in Our Society and the Current Wave of Science Education Reform
Theory Into Practice 2.3: D efinitions of Scientific Literacy
Broader Education Reforms and Science Education
Learning to Speak the Language of Science
Theory Into Practice 2.4: Metaphors in Science
Ethics in Science and the Concept of Human Progress
Theory Into Practice 2.5: Ethics and the Humane Treatment of Experimental Animals
Learning Science On-Line: Creating a Virtual Smithsonian Science Museum
Internet Connections: Science Museums on the Internet
3. Toward a Philosophy of Hands-On Inquiry-Based Science Education
Piagetian Constructivism and Learning Through Rediscovery
Theory Into Practice 3.1: Helping Students Make Meaning of Experience
Designing Experiments and Learning Through Project-Based Science
Theory Into Practice 3.2: Learning by Design
Sociocultural Theory and Learning Through Legitimate Peripheral Participation
Theory Into Practice 3.3: Learning Theories Textbook Review
On-Line Resources and the Changing Science Classroom
Learning Science On-Line: Studying Natural Disasters
Internet Connections: Design-Based Learning
4. Diverse Learners in the Science Classroom
History of Diverse Learners in the Science Classroom
Theory Into Practice 4.1: Draw a Scientist
Current Science Education Reforms and Their Impact on Diverse Learners
Theory Into Practice 4.2: Mapping the Increasing Diversity in American Classrooms
Strategies for Working With Diverse Learners in the Science Classroom
Theory Into Practice 4.3: Two-Column Girls and Scientists Activity
Theory Into Practice 4.4: Modifying Lab Activities
Theory Into Practice 4.5: Sheltered Second- Language Activity
Theory Into Practice 4.6: Debating the “Fairness” of Gifted Education
Learning Science On-Line: Auditory and Visual Learning in Science Education
Internet Connections: Science for Diverse Learners
5. Observing as a Scientist and as a Science Teacher
Theory Into Practice 5.1: Observation Experiment: Watching a Traffic Pattern
Observation in the Classroom
From Observation to Assessment of Science Learning
From Observation to Managing the Classroom to Enhance Science Learning
Creating a Safe Science Learning Environment
Field Experiences, Peer Teaching, and Other Opportunities to Practice the Craft of Science Teaching
Theory Into Practice 5.2: Science Lesson Observation Form
Theory Into Practice 5.3: Observing in a Science Museum or Other Non-School Setting
Theory Into Practice 5.4: Interviewing a Teacher After Observing a Science Lesson
Beyond Observation: Other Science Inquiry Processes
Creating a Science Educator’s Portfolio
Theory Into Practice 5.5: Looking at Electronic Portfolios
Learning Science On-Line: Combining Content with Field Experiences
Internet Connections: Scientific Observation
Part II. Teaching and Learning the Science Disciplines
6. Understanding and Teaching Earth and Space Sciences
Earth Scientists Then and Now: Mary Anning and Charles Keeling
The Place of Earth and Space Science in Science Education
Measuring and Estimating in Earth and Space Science
Experiment 1: Estimating the Number of Books in Your School Library
Experiment 2: Orienteering
Experiment 3: Geologic Time on a Football Field
The Cosmos: The Sun, Planets, Solar System, Stars, and Beyond
Experiment 4: Solar System Model
Experiment 5: Expanding Universe Model
Experiment 6: Hot Enough to Fry an Egg
Astronomy: Observing the Heavens From Earth in the Past and Present
Experiment 7: Modeling Phases of the Moon
Experiment 8: The Changing Seasons
Experiment 9: Changing Lengths of Shadows
Restless Earth: Earth’s Composition, Layers, Movements, and Impacts in Surface Features
Experiment 10: Convection Currents
Experiment 11: Mountain Building With Towels
Experiment 12: Earthquake-Resistant Structures
Rocks and Minerals: Formation, Identification, and Human Use of Common Rocks and Minerals
Experiment 13: Crystals in Your Kitchen
Experiment 14: Identifying Minerals
Experiment 15: Determining Soil Type
Earth Cycles: Many Processes on Earth Operate in Cycles
Experiment 16: Building an Aquifer Model
Experiment 17: Edible Rock Cycle
Experiment 18: Cloud in a Bottle
Weather and Climate: Weather Patterns, Climate Zones, and Climatic Change Over Time
Experiment 19: Tracking Rainfall
Experiment 20: Making an Anemometer
Experiment 21: Rainforest Terrarium
Atmosphere: Atmospheric Movement, Layers, Pressure and Cloud Formation, Smog and Pollution
Experiment 22: Why Are Clouds White?
Experiment 23: Why Is the Sky Blue?
Experiment 24: Smog in a Jar
Water and Oceans: Fresh Water/Salt Water Distribution, Interactions, and Contamination
Experiment 25: How Salty Is Too Salty?
Experiment 26: Mapping the Ocean Floor
Experiment 27: Oil Spill Clean-Up
Internet Connections: Earth and Space Science
7. Understanding and Teaching Biology
Biologists Then and Now: Ernst Haeckel and Steven Jay Gould
The Place of Biology in Science Education
Experiment 28: Measuring Peak Flow Rate
Experiment 29: Estimating Lengths of Very Small Objects
Experiment 30: Measuring Population Change
Experiment 31: Observation in the Bag
Experiment 32: Developing a System of Classification
Experiment 33: Classifying Different Animals
Experiment 34: Seed Germination
Experiment 35: Making a Plant Cell Model
Experiment 36: The Effect of Acid Rain on Plant Growth
Experiment 37: Owl Pellet Dissection
Experiment 38: Making an Animal Cell Model
Experiment 39: Conducting a Bird Census
Neither Plant nor Animal: Protista, Monera, Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi
Experiment 40: Exploring Pond Water
Experiment 41: The Power of Yeast
Experiment 42: Making Yogurt
Ladder of Life: The Building Blocks of Organisms
Experiment 43: Cell Packing
Experiment 44: Photosynthesis and Transpiration
Experiment 45: Minimal Surfaces in Natural and Biological Forms
Code of Life: All Life Is Based on the Same Genetic Code
Experiment 46: Making a Model of the DNA Double Helix
Experiment 47: Black Marker “Fingerprints”
Experiment 48: Hearing Loss Simulation
Evolution: Natural Selection and Evidence for Species Evolution
Experiment 49: Bird Beak Models
Experiment 50: Experimenting With Stereoscopic Vision
Experiment 51: Design-an-Organism
Biomes and Ecosystems: Interactions Between Plants, Animals, and the Non-Living World
Experiment 52: Tracing Food Webs
Experiment 53: Greenhouse Effect Model
Experiment 54: Unintended Consequences
The Human Body and Human Health
Experiment 55: You Are What You Eat
Experiment 56: Modeling the Human Arm
Experiment 57: Spreading Infectious Disease
Internet Connections: Biology
8. Understanding and Teaching Chemistry
Chemists Then and Now: Marie Curie and Frank Sherwood Rowland
The Place of Chemistry in Science Education
Experiment 58: Estimating Volume
Experiment 59: Making a Thermometer
Experiment 60: Serial Dilution of Colored Liquid
Atoms, Elements, and Molecules
Experiment 61: Marshmallow Molecule Models
Experiment 62: Evaporating Molecules
Experiment 63: Elements You Eat
Experiment 64: Hot Air Rises
Experiment 65: Densities of Liquids
Experiment 66: Making Salt Crystals
Experiment 67: Floating a Needle on Water
Experiment 68: Separating Mixtures
Experiment 69: Comparing Soaps
Experiment 70: Evaporation of Alcohol and Water
Experiment 71: Hot and Cold Water Mixtures
Experiment 72: Making Ice Cream
Experiment 73: Burning Candles
Experiment 74: Creating a Simple Vacuum
Experiment 75: Cartesian Diver
Experiment 76: Building a Voltaic Pile
Experiment 77: Making a Solar Water Heater
Experiment 78: Peanut Power
Internet Connections: Chemistry
9. Understanding and Teaching Physics
Physicists Then and Now: Michael Faraday and Stephen W. Hawking
The Place of Physics in Science Education
Experiment 79: Using Standard and Nonstandard Units of Length
Experiment 80: Determining Relative and Absolute Weights Using a Pan Balance
Experiment 81: Using a Stopwatch to Measure Time
Force: Gravity, Velocity, Acceleration, Newton’s Laws
Experiment 82: Flipping a Card off Your Finger While Leaving a Quarter in Place
Experiment 83: Swinging a Bucket of Water in a Circle Without Getting Wet
Experiment 84: Demonstrating “Lift” with a Ping-Pong Ball and Straw
Experiment 85: Bouncing Superballs
Experiment 86: Modeling Nuclear Half-Life
Experiment 87: Creating an Electroscope to Detect Static Electricity
Experiment 88: Experimenting With Pulleys
Experiment 89: Experimenting With Ramps
Experiment 90: Experimenting With Levers
Experiment 91: Demonstrating the Conduction of Sound
Experiment 92: Experimenting With Harmonic Sound
Experiment 93: Experimenting With Resonance
Experiment 94: Making a Thaumatrope
Experiment 95: Color Blending
Experiment 96: Bending Light
Electricity and Magnetism
Experiment 97: Observing Magnetic Fields
Experiment 98: Making a Simple Circuit
Experiment 99: Making an Electromagnet
Experiment 100: Design Your Own Experiment
Internet Connections: Physics
Part III. Making the Transition From Preservice Teacher to Inservice Teacher
10. Teacher Professional Development: Growing as a Teacher of Science
History of Teacher Professional Development
The Current State of Teacher Professional Development
Theory Into Practice 10.1: Recertification Requirements Across States
Action Research: From Research “On” to Research “With”
Theory Into Practice 10.2: The TIMMS Video Project
Parental Involvement and Parental Engagement
Theory Into Practice 10.3: Parent Interview
Professional Organizations: NSTA
Theory Into Practice 10.4: Interviewing an NBCT in Your School District
Theory Into Practice 10.5: If I Had $500
Learning Science On-Line: On-Line Resources for Science Teaching
Appendix. The National Science Education Standards for Science Content
About the Authors