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The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science

The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Attitudes about Work: How They are Formed and Why They Matter

Edited by:

April 2019 | 248 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Work and work experiences rank highly among human values. Work provides structure, supplies financial opportunities, and shapes both career aspirations and personal satisfaction. Attitudes toward work, moreover, influence society’s welfare and operations.

This volume of The ANNALS investigates what socialization processes and qualities of parents, schools, and work places are important in the development of work attitudes, paying particular attention to intergenerational transmission of work attitudes and values. By looking at the determinants of work values and their concurrent effects on politics, the economy, and personal well-being in a number of European countries, this volume offers an improved understanding of work values and their significance to the social sciences, and illuminates how such improved knowledge can influence public policy.

Gerbert Kraaykamp, Zeynep Cemalcilar, and Jale Tosun
Transmission of Work Attitudes and Values: Comparisons, Consequences, and Implication
Conceptual Clarifications on Work Attitudes
Duncan Gallie
Research on Work Values in a Changing Economic and Social Context
Arne Kalleberg and Peter V. Marsden
Work Values in the United States: Age, Period, and Generational Differences
Maurice Gesthuizen, Daniel Kovarek, and Carolin Rapp
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Work Values: Findings on Equivalence in Different Cultural Contexts
How Are Work Values Formed?
Nebi Sümer, Daniela Pauknerová, Mihaela Vancea, and Elif Manuoglu
Intergenerational Transmission of Work Values in Czech Republic, Spain, and Turkey: Parent-Child Similarity and the Moderating Role of Parenting Behaviors
Bernhard Kittel, Fabian Kalleitner, and Panos Tsakloglou
The Transmission of Work Centrality within the Family in a Cross-Regional Perspective
Zeynep Cemalcilar, Carsten Jensen, and Jale Tosun
Gendered Intergenerational Transmission of Work Values? A Country Comparison
Bettina Schuck and Jennifer Shore
How Intergenerational Mobility Shapes Attitudes toward Work and Welfare
What are the Effects of Attitudes toward Work?
Martin Lukeš, Manuel Feldmann, and Federico Vegetti
Work Values and the Value of Work: Different Implications for Young Adults’ Self-Employment in Europe
Emily Rainsford, William A. Maloney, and Sebastian Popa
The Effect of Unemployment and Low Quality Work Conditions on Work Values: Exploring the Experiences of Young Europeans
Mark Visser, Maurice Gesthuizen, and Gerbert Kraaykamp
Work Values and Political Participation: A Cross-National Analysis
Anja Van den Broeck, Bert Schreurs, Karin Proost, Arne Vanderstukken, and Maarten Vansteenkiste
I Want to Be a Billionaire: How Do Extrinsic and Intrinsic Values Influence Youngsters’ Well-Being?
Anna Diamantopoulou and Kyriakos Pierrakakis
Work Values in Politics: The European Union Debt Crisis as a Case Study
Jale Tosun, Gerbert Kraaykamp, and Zeynep Cemalcilar
The Value Added of Studying Work Attitudes and Values: Some Lessons to Learn

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