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A Comprehensive Approach

Second Edition

February 2019 | 432 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Drawing from the most up-to-date research and emerging issues, Victimology: A Comprehensive Approach is an accessible, student-friendly text that provides students with an overview of the causes and consequences of victimization and the responses to those causes. Renowned authors and researchers Leah E. Daigle and Lisa R. Muftic use a consistent framework throughout to help readers understand why people are victimized, as well as how the criminal justice system and other social services interact with victims and each other. The focus on causes and responses equips students with the foundational knowledge needed to apply key concepts to real-life situations. Emphasizing the impact of trauma on individuals and opportunities for prevention, this supportive text offers incisive discussions of recurring victimization and the victim-offender overlap with a global focus. The streamlined Second Edition explores emerging topics within this growing field, including immigration and victimization, bullying, homicides and sexual assaults involving LGBTQ persons, school shootings, and more.

About the Authors
Chapter 1 • Introduction to Victimology
What Is Victimology?

The History of Victimology: Before the Victims’ Rights Movement

Victimology Across the Globe

The Role of the Victim in Crime: Victim Precipitation, Victim Facilitation, and Victim Provocation

The History of Victimology: The Victims’ Rights Movement

Contributions of the Victims’ Rights Movement

Victimology Today


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 2 • Extent, Theories, and Factors of Victimization
Measuring Victimization

Theories and Explanations of Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 3 • The Victim–Offender Overlap
The Link Between Victimization and Offending

Explaining the Link Between Victimization and Offending

The Victim–Offender Overlap and Specific Types of Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 4 • Consequences of Victimization
Physical Consequences

Psychological Consequences

Behavioral Reactions

Economic Costs

System Costs

Vicarious Victimization


Fear of Crime


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 5 • Recurring Victimization
Types of Recurring Victimization

Extent of Recurring Victimization

Characteristics of Recurring Victimization

Risk Factors for Recurring Victimization

Theoretical Explanations of Recurring Victimization

Consequences of Recurring Victimization

Focus on Research



Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 6 • Victims’ Rights and Remedies
Victims’ Rights

Financial Remedy

Remedies and Rights in Court


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 7 • Homicide Victimization
Defining Homicide Victimization

Measurement and Extent of Homicide Victimization

Risk Factors for and Characteristics of Homicide Victimization

Different Types of Homicide Victimization

Victim Precipitation

Indirect (Secondary) Victimization

Legal and Community Responses to Homicide Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 8 • Sexual Victimization
What Is Sexual Victimization?

Measurement and Extent of Sexual Victimization

Risk Factors for and Characteristics of Sexual Victimization

Responses to Sexual Victimization

Consequences of Sexual Victimization

Sexual Victimization of Males

Sexual Victimization of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, and Transgender People

Social Media and the Internet as Tools of Sexual Victimization

Legal and Criminal Justice Responses to Sexual Victimization

Prevention and Intervention


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 9 • Intimate Partner Violence
Defining Intimate Partner Violence and Abuse

Measurement and Extent

Who Is Victimized?

Risk Factors and Theories for Intimate Partner Violence

Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence

Why Abusive Relationships Continue

Criminal Justice System Responses to Intimate Partner Violence

Legal and Community Responses


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 10 • Victimization at the Beginning and End of Life: Child and Elder Abuse
Child Maltreatment

Elder Maltreatment


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 11 • Victimization of Special Populations
Victimization of Persons With Disabilities

Victimization of Persons With Mental Illness

Victimization of the Incarcerated


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 12 • Victimization at School and Work
Victimization at School

Victimization at School: Grades K–12

Victimization at School: College

Victimization at Work


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources

Chapter 13 • Contemporary Issues in Victimology: Victims of Hate Crimes, Human Trafficking, Terrorism, and Identity Theft
Victims of Hate Crimes

Victims of Human Trafficking

Victims of Terrorism

Identity Theft Victimization


Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Internet Resources



Instructor Resource Site


Password-protected Instructor Resources include the following:

  • Microsoft® Word® test bank that provides a diverse range of pre-written options as well as the opportunity to edit any question and/or insert your own personalized questions to effectively assess students’ progress and understanding.
  • Editable, chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides that offer flexibility when creating multimedia lectures and you can customize to your exact needs.
  • Carefully selected video and multimedia links that feature relevant interviews, lectures, personal stories, inquiries, and other content for use in independent or classroom-based explorations of key topics.
  • Access to full-text SAGE journal articles that have been carefully selected to support and expand on the concepts presented in each chapter is included.

“Daigle and Muftic’s Victimology offers a thorough state-of-the-art review of victimology. It is required reading for both junior and senior scholars interested in learning about the causes and consequences of victimization across the life-course.”

Eric Connolly
Sam Houston State University

“A solid, well-written, reasonably priced textbook that does well in covering the basics in the field of victimology.”

Barbara Carson
Minnesota State University

“For an undergraduate course, this is the most thorough text I have seen for victimology. I would recommend it over others because it has a clear scope and sequence, easily identifiable learning objectives, and excellent ancillary materials.”

Martha Earwood
University of Alabama at Birmingham

“This textbook is a comprehensive overview of the study of victimization. It provides students with a detailed look at the field of victimology in terms of the nature and extent of victimization, as well as explanations and responses to victimization. It is extremely well written and accessible to students. I appreciate the authors’ incorporation of current literature and detailed description of key concepts in the field. I highly recommend it for undergraduate victimology courses.”

Christina Policastro
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Key features

  • A renewed focus on a trauma-informed approach has been incorporated throughout to better situate victimization as a form of trauma.
  • A separate section on prevention, included in each chapter, highlights what can be done to reduce victimization.
  • Emerging topics within the growing field of victimology are explored, such as immigration and victimization, bullying, homicides and sexual assaults involving LGBTQ persons, school shootings, and more.
  • The use of social media and the internet as tools of sexual victimization is examined within the context of recent events, such as the #MeToo movement and the rise of revenge porn.
  • Updated statistics provide students with the most up-to-date research and scholarly thinking in the field.
  • The authors have reorganized and streamlined the text to hone in on the key issues in victimology.


  • Each chapter consistently defines and measures a type of victimization, explores its characteristics, risk factors, and consequences of victimization, and concludes with the responses taken by the legal system, the criminal justice system, and other social services.
  • An overarching focus on the extent, causes, and responses to victimization equips students with the foundational knowledge needed to apply key concepts to real-life situations.    
  • A focus on international issues and a global perspective throughout the text offer students a comparative view for key topics and issues in victimology.
  • A Victimology in the News boxed feature helps students apply chapter concepts to contemporary news stories.
  • Research projects and findings within each chapter, both in Focus on Research boxes and throughout the narrative, highlight the connection and impact research has had in the field of victimology.
  • Case Studies illustrate key concepts and connect students to individuals who are victims and perpetrators of crime.

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