Generating Data
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Bruce Curtis - University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Cate Curtis - University of Waikato, New Zealand
Research Methods in Sociology
Research Methods in Sociology
December 2016 | 1 600 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Generating data is the defining aspect of empirical work. Data in this respect is understood as information-capacitated material that must be discovered, mined, unearthed - or a near limitless range of similar adjectives. This major work cross-cuts a number of substantive methodologies and is structured around seven groupings of research in four-volumes which provide the context for data generation:
Volume One: Naturalistic research
Volume Two: Interrogative research and Experimental research
Volume Three: Material research and De-centred research
Volume Four: Biographic research and Secondary research
Drawing on highly influential articles from sociology, social psychology, social anthropology, and education, this is a vital collection for researchers across the social sciences.
Volume One: Naturalistic research
Volume Two: Interrogative research and Experimental research
Volume Three: Material research and De-centred research
Volume Four: Biographic research and Secondary research
Drawing on highly influential articles from sociology, social psychology, social anthropology, and education, this is a vital collection for researchers across the social sciences.
Howard S. Becker
Clifford Geertz
D.L. Rosenhan
John Hughson
Loïc Wacquant
Shane Blackman
Katherine Irwin
Philippe Bourgois
Douglas Harper
Bella Dicks, Bambo Soyinka and Amanda Coffey
Valerie Jenness
John Van Maneen
Luca Massimiliano Visconti
Part One: Interrogative Research – Grounded Theory, Focus Group, Survey Research
Lewis Anthony Dexter
Lewis Anthony Dexter
Tracey McIntosh
Cheri Ann Hernandez
Jenna Breckenridge, Derek Jones, Ian Elliott and Margaret Nicol
Barney Glaser and Judith Holton
Kathy Charmaz
Robert K. Merton
David L. Morgan
George Kamberelis and Greg Dimitriadis
Edith de Leeuw
Aaron V. Cicourel
Philip Brenner
Part Two: Experimental Research – Group Research, Remote Instrumentation
Stanley Milgram
Philip Zimbardo
Nicholas L. Carnagey, Craig A. Anderson and Brad J. Bushman
Kipling D. Williams and Blair Jarvis
Joseph Veroff, Shirley Hatchett and Elizabeth Douvan
Ann Oakley
James N. Druckman, Donald P. Green, James H. Kulinski and Arthur Lupia
Stanley Milgram, Leon Mann and Susan Harter
Brad J. Bushman and Angelica M. Bonacci
Robert B. Cialdini, Raymond R. Reno and Carl A. Kallgren
John T. Jones, Brett W. Pelham, Mauricio Carvallo and Matthew C. Mirenberg
Claudia Bell
Part One: Material Research – Artefacts, Trace Analysis, Visual Analysis and Content Analysis
Eugene Webb, Donald T. Campbell, Richard D. Schwartz and Lee Sechrest
Eugene Webb and Karl E. Weick
Laurence J. Alison, Brent Snook and Kristin L. Stein
Ernest L. Abel and Michael L. Kruger
John M. Klofas and Charles R. Cutshall
Luc Pauwels
Kimberly A. Neuendorf
Codruta Catanescu and Gail Tom
Jodi L. Rightler-McDaniels and Elizabeth M. Hendrickson
Part Two: De-centred Research – Semiotics, Discourse Analysis and Psychoanalysis
Roland Barthes
Jacques Derrida
Jacques Lacan
Judith Williamson
Judith Williamson
Rosalind Gill
Stephen R. Barley
Siamak Movahedi
Glyn Daly
Colin Cremin
Siamak Movahedi and Gohar Homayounpour
Part One: Biographic Research – Auto/Biographic Writing, Narrative Analysis, and Auto-Ethnography
Gordon Allport
Nicholas Hookway
Donald E. Polkinghorne
Michael Bamberg
Michael Bamberg
Charlotte Kenten
Vivienne Elizabeth
Carolyn Ellis, Tony E. Adams and Arthur P. Bochner
Leon Anderson
Sarah Wall
Robyn Longhurst
Part Two: Secondary Research – Secondary Analysis, Documentary Research, Meta-Analysis
Janet Heaton
Cathy Murray
Jennifer Platt
Jennifer Platt
Paul Atkinson and Amanda Coffey
Robert Smith
Robert Smith and Gerard McElwee
R. Rosenthal and M.R. Di Matteo
Travis C. Pratt
Mary Dixon-Woods, Sheila Bonas, Andrew Booth, David R. Jones, Tina Miller, Alex J. Sutton, Rachel L. Shaw, Jonathan A. Smith and Bridget Young