Applying Social Psychology
From Problems to Solutions
- Abraham P Buunk - University of Groningen, Netherlands
- Pieternel Dijkstra - Freelance Social Psychologist
- Mark Van Vugt - VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands, The University of Kent, UK, University of Southampton, UK
Applied Social Psychology
Now in its Third Edition, Applying Social Psychology offers a step-by-step guide to applied psychology.
The PATHS model presents a unique way of applying theoretical social psychology to a range of real-world problems, helping students develop their own social psychological interventions. This model has recently been updated with the edition of ‘S’ for success, to help students evaluate how successful their interventions have been.
Using interesting case studies and useful exercises, Applying Social Psychology is an invaluable tool in learning how to develop and carry out psychological interventions.
This is essential for the development of students wishing to study psychology at higher leverl