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Toshio Goto Japan University of Economics, Japan

Toshio Goto is Research Professor at the Graduate School, Japan University of Economics, Tokyo, Japan, with an established background in both academia and business management in various capacities worldwide. He is concurrently Chairperson, Research Institute for the Centennial Management, & Executive Director, Japanese Civilization Institute. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Tokyo and an MBA from Harvard University. His background is in business strategies and his research focuses on strategies for sustainable growth, specializing in family businesses. In April 2011, he was appointed as the first Dean of Faculty of Management at Japan University of Economics Shibuya Campus Tokyo. His business background includes marketing, sales, corporate entrepreneurship, and strategic management in both Japan and the United States. His publications include the Family Business Yearbook (2015, 2018) which he edited and co-authored.