Guest Editor's first name *
Guest Editor's last name *
Guest Editor’s Institution *
Link to Guest Editor’s institutional profile or faculty page *
Link to Guest Editor’s ORCID page
Link to Guest Editor’s Google Scholar page
Short biography of the Guest Editor
The title of your proposed Special Collection *
Proposed Aims and Scope, giving an overview of the Special Collection’s intended focus *
List of the topics to be covered *
Six succinct keywords or MeSH terms that reflect the key themes of the collection (optional)
A list of authors you have already approached with the topic they will write on (optional)
Co-Guest Editor's first name
Co-Guest Editor's last name
Co-Guest Editor’s Institution
If applicable, a list of additional Co-Guest Editors. If possible, please provide their email address, institution, and country, in addition to first and last name.
I understand that articles published in the Special Collection will need to adhere to the journal’s submission guidelines. Please select "Yes" to confirm. *
I understand that this is an open access journal and that any article accepted into the Special Collection will be subject to an Article Processing Charge (APC). Please select "Yes" to confirm. *